Not all Supplements are created equal.

What you need to know before you purchase supplements.


Food Grade (Store Grade) 

Ingredients are suitable enough for people to eat. Many over-the-counter supplements are food grade, and ingredients don’t have as rigorous a screening process as ingredients that are pharmaceutical grade.

  1. store grade supplements won’t necessarily break down in your body. “Bioavailability”

  2. The exact ingredients listed on the label don’t have to necessarily match the contents of the supplement.

  3. Store grade supplements have more fillers.

Pharmaceutical Grade

Ingredients are the highest quality and meet pharmaceutical standards.

  1. Pharmaceutical grade vitamins must absorb in your body within 45 minutes.

  2. Ingredients that are listed on the label must match products in the bottle or container.

  3. Raw ingredients have to be tested before production.

  4. The supplement must be “in excess of” 99% of the ingredients listed on the container and can’t have fillers, dyes, binders, or any unknown substances.




H2 Cold Therapy